Flying Circus Airshow - located in Bealeton, VA. Old fashioned barnstorming airshow takes place every Sunday afternoon, May - Oct. Open cockpit biplane rides sold before and after the shows. Please see also the Flying Circus Foundation >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Flying Circus Foundation is the organization that keeps the Flying Circus Airshow... well... flying. The 501c3 non-profit foundation was established to ensure that the Flying Circus would continue to provide an educational and entertaining experience for young and old alike. Providing airshows, Boy Scout merit badge days, educational seminars and keeping our aviation heritige alive.
Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome - located in Rhinebeck, NY. Airplane museum in the air, the way you were meant to see airplanes. Late May through early Oct, this show focuses on very old planes (WWI and pre-WWI). I have been a guest jumper for ORA several times in past years.
Located in Orange, VA. GREAT place to get your first taste of Skydiving. Most of my tandem instruction is conducted at Skydive Orange
Head quartered in Alexandria, VA. USPA is the self-governing body of skydivers. Working with the FAA, USPA sets training standards for students, instructors and professional demonstration skydivers. USPA also works on general skydiving safety standards, and national and international skydiving competitions..
Parachute Industry Association Is comprised of companies and individuals united by a common desire to improve business opportunities in this segment of aviation.
AOPA is the largest, most influential aviation association in the world. Providing member services that range from representation at the federal, state, and local levels to legal services, advice, and other assistance, AOPA has built a service organization that far exceeds any other in the aviation community.
The flight school that is trying to teach me how to stay in the plane... At least they got me to solo this year. Thanks Roger!
My Chief Ground Crew and Wife, Cathy, without whom it would be impossible to do any of this.
Byron, his family, and his boat. Who provide a wonderful escape when the winds are too much for my canopy
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